
As a small, independent outerwear brand, we wouldn't be where we are today, or anywhere, without our ambassadors. These humble men and women espouse the Strafe ethos and do a lot for a little.

blake wilson

Blake Wilson

Maine bred and representing in Little Cottonwood Canyon.


Wendy Fisher

Freeskiing champion, film star, former olympic ski racer equals one fast mom.


mallory duncan headshot

Mallory Duncan

Bend's backcountry hero and independent outdoor goods rep.


ione ski shot

Ione Perez

Motorcyclist and big mountain competitor.

shane serrano

Shane Serrano

Loves snowboarding more than you.


Stuart Edgerly

Often found off the ground.


Sadie Ford

Wildland firefighter and remote human-powered splitboard adventures.


carver culbeck

Carver Culbeck

Alaska native and backcountry snowboarder. Find this lot lizard on the river or at Mt. Baker.


greg hope

Greg Hope

Telluride's steep skier and sender.


Whitton Feer

Pilot, photographer, ski guide, bike guide, writer.


Alexa Yang

Alexa Yang

Up and coming Aspen shredder and freeride competitor.


kelly hilleke

Kelly Hilleke

Whitewater kayaker and competitive freeskier.


Susan Medville

Heritage professional and sharing skiing stoke with Rippin Chix camps.


molly glassman

Molly Glassman

Loves snowboarding as much or more than Shane.


sam blakeslee

Sam Blakeslee

Finding flow in the Rockies.


Whit Boucher

Pretty good at bikes and skis.


Jessica Taylor

ACMG ski guide. Building dreams. Keepin it rural.


taylor pratt

Taylor Pratt

Wasatch hero.


Laura Gaylord

Skiing for herself and others.


joe schwartz

Joe Schwartz

Ski and mountain bike guide and father!


Hunter Hill

Aspen local snowboarder from the park to the fjords.


shannon vanderwerken

Shannon VanDerwerken

Freestyle coach and shredder.


Kyle Taylor

Director of the Flathead Freeride Club and former FWT competitor.


George Rodney

Youngest rookie Freeride World Tour Champion


anna fake

Anna Fake

Born in Telluride and shredding in Montana.


Evelyn Leibinger

Locally grown freerider and mountain lover.


Chase Demeulenaere

Air natúral and diesel afficionado.


Victor Major

Former ski racer and mountain enthusiast.
